That's an interesting topic for a few hours discussion.
But well, here are few details which will help you to put me in some boxes. I spend my days building up this project, drawing, tattooing, developing myself and participating in couple other cool projects.
I come from Ulyanovsk, Russia. I've been moving from a place to another for many years and still don't have a permanent city to live in. Longest periods were in Russia, Bali, Finland and Portugal. I have a masters degree in business administration. I speak Russian, English, Finnish, basic Portuguese and already forgot Indonesian..
I am passionate life explorer and self challenger. This is probably the only thing which haven't changed in me - curiosity and sense that «there gotta be something else besides, lets go check», because I don't know what I don't know.
I like surfing and paragliding. I firmly believe that everybody is able to live the life at its fullest if they choose to.
Also eating well and certain level of comfort keep me going, so for now I invite you to have a look at my
porfolio to see if any of my art will resonate with your taste.
Thank you for the time you took to read this.
Now smile because why not.